Saint Andrew's Parents Association (SAPA)
Building upon our sense of community, the Saint Andrew’s Parents Association provides meaningful, rewarding, and inclusive volunteer opportunities that celebrate and enrich the school experience for all.
All Saint Andrew’s parents are automatically members of the Saint Andrew’s Parents Association and are encouraged to attend board meetings, join committees, and participate in SAPA events. SAPA fosters an inclusive spirit and builds community by sponsoring a variety of events and activities. Each year, we are fortunate to have an engaged group of parents who help to ensure the success of our events and programs.
Divisional Liaisions
Lower School Donuts with Dads
Middle School Book Swap
Volunteer Coordinators
Admission Liaisons
Lower School New Beginning Breakfasts
Homecoming Ice Cream Social
Fall Parent Get Together
Lower School Father Daughter Dance
Lower School Mother Son Event
Fall Faculty Appreciation
Holiday Faculty Appreciation
Faculty Appreciation Luncheon
Women’s Tennis Social
Senior Parent Breakfast
SAPA Standing Committees and Events
Divisional Liaisions
Lower School Donuts with Dads
Middle School Book Swap
Volunteer Coordinators
Admission Liaisons
Lower School New Beginning Breakfasts
Homecoming Ice Cream Social
Fall Parent Get Together
Lower School Father Daughter Dance
Lower School Mother Son Event
Fall Faculty Appreciation
Holiday Faculty Appreciation
Faculty Appreciation Luncheon
Women’s Tennis Social
Senior Parent Breakfast