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Saint Andrew's Lower School Science outside

Lower School

Our Lower School (grades pre-k-5) encourages and celebrates children’s natural sense of wonder as they grow into confident learners through the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP). Our balanced model for learning and instruction, guided by two experienced teachers in each classroom and talented specialists throughout the day, helps students build community, ignite curiosity, and establish close relationships. 

Grade 4 student happy in class

We Celebrate  children’s natural sense of wonder

Our goal in the Lower School (Pre-K-5) is to open a new world of learning for our youngest Scots while contributing to each child's social and emotional growth. We strive to provide learning experiences for our early childhood and elementary level students that combine a sense of community, trust, and friendships while igniting their interest and curiosity in the world around them.

In alignment with our PYP Programme, Saint Andrew’s has adopted Singapore Math, a program that refers to a teaching methodology that emphasizes a conceptual approach to understanding math. 

Saint Andrew’s delivers a multi-faceted litreracy instruction through units exploring both reading and writing. The Lower School has implemented the Institute for Multi-Sensory Education's Orton-Gillingham structured literacy program. We utilize Fountas and Pinnell’s Literacy Continuum in kindergarten through five. 

Our single-subject teachers engage our students in areas such as performing arts, technology, mathematics, science, and world languages.

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Two Teachers Per Classroom

We provide two experienced teachers in each classroom as well as single-subject specialists in the arts, technology, science, design, physical education, and world languages.

Balanced approach to English & math

We teach English Language Arts skills explicitly through mini-lessons and workshops in keeping with our dedication to the student-centered classroom. The Singapore Math methods provide students with a solid foundation in mathematics by focusing on visual understanding, connections, number sense, mastery, logical reasoning, communication of ideas, and word problems.

IB: Primary Years Programme (PYP)

In the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP), students enjoy learner-centered teaching, with an inquiry-based, concept-driven transdisciplinary curriculum model.


We invite you to take a moment to discover why Saint Andrew’s Lower School is unique among other schools. In addition to our loving and dedicated teachers and staff, we offer a diverse program that encourages students to reach their academic, social, and emotional potential in a challenging yet supportive environment.